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  1. Agency must enclose a covering letter on Agency’s Letter Head while sending the EOI with technical and financial proposal.
  2. The EOIs must be sent in sealed cover within the stipulated time. The EOIs will be evaluated strictly as per laid down criteria. Therefore, before sending the EOIs, the agency must satisfy that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria. The related proof of experience, details of office set-up etc., as asked for, must be enclosed/detailed out for evaluating the EOIs.
  3. The details must be furnished as per formats enclosed in application and strictly as per serial order. The information intended to be supplied should be furnished in such a manner that the same satisfies the need/requirement of EOI under various heads and is self- explanatory.
  4. The turnover should be in Indian Rupees and should exactly match with the figures reflected in the Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss Account/Receipts & Payments A/c. The relevant portion of the document reflecting the turnover must be highlighted.
  5. In case desired documents/proofs are not enclosed, the EOI shall be rejected and no clarification/enquiry will be sought/made.
  6. The last date of receiving the EOIs shall be adhered strictly. EOIs received after the last date will not be considered and no further action will be taken on such EOIs. However, if the last date is declared as holiday, the next working day on which office is opened will be treated as the last date for receiving the EOIs. No plea made over phone/fax/E-mail that EOI is in transit and be accepted due to postal delay etc. shall be entertained. It is advised that the EOIs should be sent well before the closing date for receiving EOI.
  7. EOI is based on technical competency of the agency. On the basis of technical evaluation ranking list will be prepared for final selection.



  1. Document/ Proposal Processing Fee and EMD: All Applicants have to pay fee of 7,000/- ,Rupees Seven Thousand only (Rs 2000/- for empanelment and Rs 7000/- for making any amendments, setting or liasoning in the form of consultancy charge) for each project-sector they apply in the form of a Demand Draft or Bankers Cheque issued by any Scheduled Bank in India in favour of “CEO ,INIDAS PRIDE-SATYA AN NGO” payable at Jaipur, Rajasthan, shall be non-refundable. (Example: If there are 3 projects for different sectors of the applicant organisation, they will make separate application for each sector they are applying. The process shall be repeated for each sector-project)


  1. The EMD of the unsuccessful applicant would be returned (without interest) within 60 days of decision of rejection. In case of successful applicants, the EMD will be returned after submission of the Performance Security Deposit.


  1. Performance Security Deposit (PSD): The successful applicant has to submit for each allotted job-role for each center, a Performance Security Deposit of INR 20,000/- (Indian Rupees Twenty Thousand only) in the form of a Demand Draft or Bankers Cheque drawn from a Scheduled Bank in favor of “CEO ,INIDAS PRIDE-SATYA AN NGO” payable a, Rajasthan Jaipur. This is NOT required at the time of application.


  1. In case, the successful applicant fails to submit the required PSD or fail to enter into agreement with IDNIAs PRIDE for the allotted project, the EMD will be forfeited.


  1. The PSD will be returned within six months from end of the agreement period or after 3-months from the periodic submission of record of 1-Year tracking of the placed candidates as per PMKVY guidelines, whichever is later. In case of extension of agreement, the timelines shall be revised accordingly.


  1. PSD may be forfeited if the agency fails to fulfil its obligation under the terms of agreement or submit the 1-year tracking record of placed candidates. The decision of CEO-MPSSDM will be final in this regard and will be binding on the agency.




  1. Verification of office: INDIAs PRIDE, an agency nominated by INDIAs PRIDE shall carry out a verification of the office in terms of infrastructure, tools and equipment etc. as per stipulated norms of INDIAs PRIDE for running a particular project. The Agencies have to maintain the required infrastructure and personnel at the centers at all times during the conduct of project.
  2. Merely fulfilling the eligibility criteria or selection of applicant under this RFP, will not guarantee allocation of work or award of target to the agency.
  3. Verification of documents: Audited financial statements for the past three years (2014-15, 2015-2016 and 2016-17) and all relied upon documents as required by INDIAs PRIDE should be submitted for verification by the Successful Applicant before issue of work order by INDIAs PRIDE.
  4. In case of multiple eligible applications received for the same project, the following preference shall be made applicable in the order mentioned below.
  5. Work Order will be issued to successful applicants within one month of last date of submission of proposals subject to verification of the credentials claimed by them. The applicants are expected to facilitate the verification process done by MPSSDM.



  1. Duration of the Project: The agency will be empaneled for 2 years subject to periodic performance review. The performance review will be strictly based on successful placement of candidates as mandated and adherence to guideline of INDIA’s PRIDE for running the project.
  2. Conduct of Training and Branding of program: The Applicant has to follow INDIA’s PRIDE guidelines and any circular issued by INDIA’s PRIDE for conduct of project.
  3. Prohibition on sub-letting: The selected Agencies has to run the program by itself and any kind of sub-letting or sub-contracting or franchisee arrangement for the conduction of project is strictly prohibited and impermissible under any circumstances. No joint venture or consortium or association is permissible.
  4. Tracking of Project: INDIA’s PRIDE will track the project stages every month for the period of one year from placement. The record of tracking is to be submitted periodically to INDIA’s PRIDE.
  5. Jurisdiction: All disputes and differences, whatsoever shall be referred to the courts at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, which shall be the courts having jurisdiction to entertain and try the same.